The Wicked Tenants

Why did Jesus die? This question is not meant as a theological question. What was the immediate cause of His death? When speaking of an “immediate cause,” we are looking at the final act in a series of provocations. What was Jesus saying or doing that led to his crucifixion?

The Wicked Tenants2024-01-28T17:11:46+00:00

Jesus and the Gentiles

Jesus and the Gentiles With the recent spate of racial protests in many cities, and violence in others, some might

Jesus and the Gentiles2024-02-03T19:46:29+00:00


With racial issues dominating our news as of late, I thought this would be a good time to explore what the Bible has to say about the subject. Actually, the Bible has a lot to say about race. Three main theological threads appear interwoven throughout scripture — one of those threads is racial reconciliation.

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