Mentoring and Tutoring Program
New Hope offers a trauma‑informed after‑school mentoring program three days each week that assists under‑resourced elementary and middle school children with reading and math, and provides homework help. To create a safe nurturing environment that children need to succeed, we train our staff and volunteers in trauma‑informed principles. Our children are also taught five essential character virtues: Respect, Wisdom, Gratitude, Integrity, and Perseverance.

Summer Enrichment Program
New Hope offers a trauma‑informed six‑week Summer Enrichment Program for under‑resourced elementary school children. We provide the children with enriching experiences that they might not otherwise have, such as swimming and dancing lessons, music, art, and STEM activities. We also focus on academic enrichment to combat the “summer slide.”

Club Program
The Club Program helps middle and high school students discover their “it.” Monthly, guests speak on various topics and career paths, giving the students hands‑on experience. Our guest speakers include business professionals, entrepreneurs, educators, and artists.

ACE Education
Unmitigated Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) lead to horrible outcomes in our children: poor academic performance, poor health, impaired brain development, and social problems. The New Hope staff has received specialized training in trauma‑informed care, which we apply to the children in our program. Seeing the positive effects on the children we work with; we train others who work with children. New Hope provides professional development on trauma‑informed care for educators, those working with juvenile justice, churches, and other nonprofits in Acadiana.